06 October 2014

Day 17

Well we are back and it wouldn't be complete without a drama on the last day.  More of that later.

The flight was on time, we arrived at the airport with plenty of time to spare, having our body clocks still on New York time made it easy as we went to bed at 9:30 Hawaii time, which was around 3:30am according to our body clocks.  Waking at 4:30 was like a 10:30 sleep in.  Out the door at 5:30 for out pick up at 5:45.  They were late, but at least they came this time.  We had 7 Check in suite cases compared to the 4 we left with and 5 carry on suitcases (one of mine was my medical gear).  First time ever a Hawaiian staff member argued with me about my carry on, I was not having a bar of it, if they do not know their own policies, that is their problem not mine.  However in future we (Lorraine and I) are going to revisit how we do it to make it less of a problem.

On board the staff were good except there were lots of young children.  As a family we were split across the aisle and both groups of us were not spared screaming toddlers and selfish people behind us.  Whether it was kicking of the seat. screaming or just plain selfishness it was a fairly forgettable flight.  Was bothered me most was the family behind me had two rows and put the kicking screaming kid in a position where it impacted on someone else, instead of having the child kicking their own seats, they felt it okay to impact another persons flight.  A few choice loud conversational words had that sorted, unfortunately a long way into the flight though.

Australian Customs was a breeze, having ePassports with facial recognition helps.  The only issue being our black nut Lei's which we declared, a simple sniffer dog perusal had us out an back in Brisbane.

So the drama we had was at Honolulu airport.  We had  breakfast, Burger King unfortunately, there's not a lot of choice.  Just about to head to the gate (75 minutes to boarding, 2 hours to flight time) when I have this sinking feeling I have forgotten something.  Open my medical case and yes, my needles are not there.  They are in the hotel room refrigerator in their cold bag.  A quick call to the hotel has them saying they can get the bag, but I will have to collect.  I ask why they cannot send a taxi driver with it?  No drivers won't do that in case they don't get paid.  Realising that they will probably screw it up anyway, I say I will come and collect.  I know this is going to hurt as last cab fare was $50 with tip, so this is staring down the barrel of a $100 45 minute ride.  So back out through security, in a cab and off we go with Miss Daisy behind the wheel.  Get to the hotel and its $49, go to reception, grab the bag and yes they didn't get everything, they did screw it up, there's no freezer packs (which I told them about), so grab a room key, race upstairs, grab the freezer packs, back to the cab.  We agree on a $100 fare.  But she doesn't start the meter, I could care less, she's welcome to the unmetered amount. 

Now herein lies the real problem.  Being the pedant I am I had run all of our USD cash down to enough so that I was only carrying tip money for the Transfer driver and some $1 bills for spending at the airport.  My cash card had no funds left for this sort of fare (still waiting for a Citibank hold to be released), all I had was Lorraine's credit cards which I grabbed before leaving the airport (knowing I had nothing), along with her driver's license.  Really hoping the driver would just swipe the card without looking or caring.  She did.  So $100 later and about 50 minutes later I'm back.  Luckily I had a sympathetic TSA guard who let me dodge the long queue of people at security after I told them my story.  I went back through the same screening area as the guards knew me (having a pacemaker means very personal attention at screening points if you get my drift).  So that was expedited, now it was just the walk to the boarding gate.  Naturally we were on a flight boarding at the gate furthest away from check in meaning a nice long hobble walk for me, almost tripping over my own feet a number of times.  A quick pit stop for the toilets, then another to purge my final $6USD on bottles of water to arrive at the boarding gate at 9:10am for a 9:15am boarding.  WOW, what an adventurous morning.  I'll never forget this trip, that's for sure.

Anyway the obligatory photos.

Sean & Lorraine

Day 17
Day 16
Day 15 and videos
Day 14
Day 13
Day 12
Day 11
Rest of Chief's Luau videos
Day 9
Day 8 plus Video of the Wedding
Day 7
Day 5/6
Day 4 Photos and videos
Day 3 Pearl Harbour + more
Day 2 Holidays
Day 1 USA

05 October 2014

Day 16

Almost over, one more flight to go to get home.  Today was fairly uneventful, early start from the hotel had us at the airport early enough for a sit down breakfast.  Plane left on time and landed early, Hawaii Airlines staff are sensational.  Transfer was uneventful, bit of indecision over what to have for dinner, some last minute shopping and now we are retiring for the night.  Another really early start which will have us at the airport with lots of time to kill before another "30 hour" day with the 6hr back in time change.

Cannot wait to get home, though I hope our neighbor who is looking after the house manages to evict the migrant family that has taken up residence.

Sean & Lorraine

Day 16
Day 15 and videos
Day 14
Day 13
Day 12
Day 11
Rest of Chief's Luau videos
Day 9
Day 8 plus Video of the Wedding
Day 7
Day 5/6
Day 4 Photos and videos
Day 3 Pearl Harbour + more
Day 2 Holidays
Day 1 USA

04 October 2014

Day 15

Well its our last day of holidays, the next couple being mostly transit with tomorrow a 10 hour flight to Hawaii where we overnight, then another 10 hour flight the following day where we time travel back over the date line losing the day we gained at the start.

Today was a free day where The females went shopping and I went out alone.  To tell the truth though I have probably bought the most on this trip easily filling both my suitcases to bursting point, today was no different with my final spending spree being in bike shops buying stuff that was too cheap to ignore.

So the ladies went shopping which was fairly boring in my opinion.  As for me I went out on the Citibike again to see what I could find and I had a blast of a day.

Got back to the financial district vis NOHO, SOHO, Union Square and Greenwich Village, did a little impromptu video interview of myself while riding (first video youtube link), saw the city hall fountain (another video) and the third video is of a fire engine racing through the streets.  In the financial district I witnessed a "#dontstealpossible" rally outside the courthouses, around 21,000 in attendance.  Then I went into the courthouses and saw two doctors in civil death cases on the witness stands and in the criminal courts I saw a drug dealer get 3.5 years for possession.  And yes its just like on TV, DA's doing deals on sentences with defense attorneys, people everywhere from all walks of life, it was sensational.

I also helped a pregnant lady find her way to hospital which was funny as I had no idea where I was, she just had an address so Google Maps to the rescue.  Just around the corner as it turns out, lucky for both of us.

Then I rode back up through Hells Kitchen to go bike shop looking and bought some stuff.

All up another great day in NYC.  Can't wait to get back home though, we have all reached our limits and just want to unpack in a familiar place.

Sean & Lorraine

Day 15 and videos
Day 14
Day 13
Day 12
Day 11
Rest of Chief's Luau videos
Day 9
Day 8 plus Video of the Wedding
Day 7
Day 5/6
Day 4 Photos and videos
Day 3 Pearl Harbour + more
Day 2 Holidays
Day 1 USA

03 October 2014

Day 14

Rainy day in NYC today, so very few photos taken and not much really done.  Ebony and I went Citibike riding last night and got completely frustrated with it as the bikes would not release from the docking station, Ebony missed her breakfast meet up so ended up ditching the bikes for the subway to get back to the hotel.

After lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe, Ebony went to meet the friends she had missed and the three of us went to Madison Square Garden for a look see by subway.  We ticked another box by coming home in a NY Taxi, only have NY pizza left on the list of things we set out with at the beginning of the trip.

Eating wise I knew I would have to abandon my dietary requirements and I knew what to expect.  So my plan was to not eat the same meal twice, same restaurant is okay, just not the same meal.  I have achieved that so far, the only exception being if I made breakfast, the Special K of late has been a nice foundation for the day.

Pics below.

Sean & Lorraine

Day 14
Day 13
Day 12
Day 11
Rest of Chief's Luau videos
Day 9
Day 8 plus Video of the Wedding
Day 7
Day 5/6
Day 4 Photos and videos
Day 3 Pearl Harbour + more
Day 2 Holidays
Day 1 USA

02 October 2014

Day 13

Another big day in the big apple.  Though a menial start with laundry day beckoning.

Following that it was the American Museum of Natural History.  Bad start as we got onto the wrong platform and because we had swiped the metro cards already, we couldn't go to the unmanned platform.  So we had to ride downtown one stop on the subway to change platforms to go uptown.  Bit of a pain but another adventure.  AMNH was great and you could spend days there, but when you have tired feet and want to do other things, you tend to expedite your visit.  A lunch in the museum food court followed by a walk through Central Park, got lost then found ourselves and generally had fun looking at everything, even saw a squirrel  foraging for nuts and is just like it looks in the cartoons.

Then it was a bus ride up 5th Ave to Saks and I went to H&M.  Surprisingly I just had fun buying loads of stuff.  Clothes, hats, caps and other gear for less than $75.  Oh and I got an Indiana Jones hat at AMNH.  Bloody nice hat too.  Bought so many hats/caps this trip I'll need to double my hat racks at home.

Tomorrow I'm going riding, and the ladies shopping.

Photos from today below.

Sean & Lorraine

Day 13
Day 12
Day 11
Rest of Chief's Luau videos
Day 9
Day 8 plus Video of the Wedding
Day 7
Day 5/6
Day 4 Photos and videos
Day 3 Pearl Harbour + more
Day 2 Holidays
Day 1 USA

01 October 2014

Day 12

What a big day out.  Late start but we made the river ferry ride in time usig the subway system, no need to worry if you're not sure what to do there is always someone waiting to help, off coourse wanting a gratuity for their assistance, its just a way of life here.  We went along the Hudson and East Rivers, saw the bridges and off course the Statue of Liberty.  Following this we went to the 9/11 memorial site and saw the Twin Tower base memorials with waterfalls, plus the new "freedom Tower" that replaced one of the WTC buildings.  Tallest building in USA at 1776 feet ie 1776 being their year of independence.  Also went to Wall St and NYSE which frankly was underwhelming.  Saw the NYSE Bull which is actually on Broadway, not Wall St.  More walking to the Native American Museum, then another subway ride to Grand Central.  There we were prevented from exiting onto 42nd St at Park Ave due to a "jumper", see the pics, whole street blocked off and plenty of spectators.  From there more shopping at H&M, then a walk back to the hotel.  Had dinner at the restaurant as everyone was tired.  However I decided to go for a Citibike ride.  Great fun riding through NY at night.  For $25 I get one weeks use unlimited with the only restriction being 30 minutes rides to avoid penalty hire rates.  So I checked one out, rode down 9th Ave from 50th Street to 14th Street, checked the bike in, checked out another and rode back up 8th Ave.  Felt a bit funny riding sans helmet and being the only rider obeying traffic lights.  Just cannot bring myself to run red lights, though a couple pf times I bypassed them in a perfectly legal manner.  Out and back was 20 minutes each way,well inside the 30 minute limit.  What a hoot.

Tomorrow its more subway rides to the museums and possibly more shopping.

Sean & Lorraine

Day 12
Day 11
Rest of Chief's Luau videos
Day 9
Day 8 plus Video of the Wedding
Day 7
Day 5/6
Day 4 Photos and videos
Day 3 Pearl Harbour + more
Day 2 Holidays
Day 1 USA

30 September 2014

Day 11

Second day in NY and first full day.  Empire State Building beckoned followed by Central Park and a handsome cab ride.  Lots of walking, lots of looking, lots of shopping and lots to see, the views from the Empire State Building are awesome.

Tomorrow is riding the subway to Ground Zero followed by a ferry ride around the rivers and Ellis Island with the Statue of Liberty.  You cannot climb the statue anymore so it is advised to just view it from the ferry as there is nothing else to do at Ellis Island.

Pics below, with the extra videos from the Hawaiin Luau.  Take note of the latter photos, these are the guys selling "authentic" Louis Vuitton hand bags, Rolexes and Ray Bans very cheaply.  Right outside the entrance to the hotel on Broadway at Times Square.  Also right outside the entrance is the Hershey chocolate shop and opposite that is the M&M chocolate shop.  Talk about spoilt for choice.

Sean & Lorraine

Day 11
Rest of Chief's Luau videos
Day 9
Day 8 plus Video of the Wedding
Day 7
Day 5/6
Day 4 Photos
and videos
Day 3 Pearl Harbour + more
Day 2 Holidays
Day 1 USA

28 September 2014

Day 9

Today was a busy day, lots of walking for all of us, though we split up, Lorraine and Jade going shopping, Ebony and I to The Mob Museum and wandering through downtown Las Vegas. Lots of pictures, lots of spending all round and a great day had by all.  We're all packing right now for tomorrows skip across the country to New York, our longest stop in the trip.

I have to say the single biggest and best traveling tip I got from someone before leaving was using ziploc bags.  Aside from Jade, the teenager who knows better, all of us are packing inside ziploc bags.  All the underwear, socks, t-shirts and other clothing, in zip loc bags with the bottom corners nipped off, very small corner, about 5mm maximum.  It means that when you are looking for something you're just pulling out bags of stuff, not spreading underwear or socks or t-shirts etc everywhere.  Makes it so easy as the bags squash down nicely when you compress them and the suitcase stays very organised, also easier to know what is clean and dirty as dirty goes into a laundry bag, clean is in the ziploc bags, anything out is what you're wearing.  Bloody brilliant system.

Sean & Lorraine

Day 9
Day 8 plus Video of the Wedding
Day 7
Day 5/6
Day 4 Photos
and videos
Day 3 Pearl Harbour + more
Day 2 Holidays
Day 1 USA

27 September 2014

Day 8

Today was Elvis day.  This year is our 25th Wedding Anniversary and we have always wanted to be married by Elvis.  Its a pity DB and RB couldn't be here, but they had better news than being with us, so we completely understand, though Vegas is DB's kind of town, you gotta come here buddy.

Roberto picked us up in the limo and took us to the chapel where we met "Elvis".  The ceremony was fantastic and we cannot wait to see the video and share it with everyone.  Then we had a buffet wedding lunch where we stuffed ourselves to the gills followed by "The Big Bus" tour.  Tomorrow we will finish the tour with a trip to the Mob Museum then off to the gun range.

Details of how to see the Wedding Ceremony photos below along with usual links to the Google Album.

Sean & Lorraine

Day 8 plus Video of the Wedding
Day 7
Day 5/6
Day 4 Photos
and videos
Day 3 Pearl Harbour + more
Day 2 Holidays
Day 1 USA

26 September 2014

Day 7

Damn what a day today was.  Where do I possibly start?  In a way that my mate whose initials are SA would understand, it was FUNKILICIOUS.  We are absolutely funked out tonight with joy of what a great day we have had by taking the bull by the horns.

As per yesterday we had a hire car.  First though we had a buffet breakfast in the hotel so that we wouldn't have to worry about eating over the day.  It was AWESOME.  Anything and everything to eat.

Then we hit the road in search of a supermarket on the way to Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon.  And we found Wal-Mart.  Imagine a Kmart, Coles, Target and a Liquor store, all in one.  A case of 36 cans of beer for $25 or around $28AUS!  So with supplies of batteries, water, soft drink and nibblies it was on the road.

A few missed turns had us exploring lots of places and in one case reversing back from an intersection across 3 lanes to make a right turn.  Right turns on Red Signals is awesome, just stop, look for traffic and turn through the red light.

Hoover Dam was interesting, some really awesome photos.  We didn't do any tours there, just a look see.  Then it was off to the Grand Canyon.  One of the reasons we wanted to hire a car is to experience real USA, not Tourist USA with a tour bus full of tourists.  Tour Bus tours are $225 per person, basically $900 for us or $1,000AUS.  We spent probably $800 all up including meals and tour costs at the Grand Canyon but have a car that we used to get to the Criss Angel show the previous night.  And parking everywhere in Las Vegas is free, and that is Valet parking, just a couple of bucks for a gratuity.

We saw real USA today, stopped at the Castle Rock Trading Post, chatted to real people, had a light snack meal.  We stopped where wanted to to take photos, went where we wanted to, it was awesome.

I'm not even going to try and describe the Grand Canyon, words do not do it justice, have a look at the pictures and come and see it for yourself, you can go right up to the edge of it, a 4,700 foot drop away into the canyon, Lorraine and I didn't, but Ebony and Jade did with assistance from a Park Ranger, all four of us did the Skywalk, a glass walkway out over the canyon, its just plain scary, but I did it.  I will be back in 2016, on a Harley, with mates, I'm looking at you SA and KM.

The best part of doing it our way is that we went later in the day, after the tourist buses had left, we saw it without crowds.  We spoke to one of the Hualapai Indians at length about their history and once she realised we were genuinely interested she really opened up.  It was fascinating to say the least hearing her tell us the history of the tribe.

The drive home was also awesome, on the interstate doing 65mph and being passed like you're standing still.  Then laughing as you see one of the speed demons sitting on the side of the road with a patrol car.  The road network is awesome and just what you imagine it to be, roads going everywhere and spaghetti like junctions.

Dinner is pizza and there is a story in that that I cannot tell as Lorraine will kill me.  Tomorrow is the Elvis wedding and Las Vegas bus tour.  More pictures to come.  We are getting a DVD of the wedding, but that will have to wait till we get home for public viewing.

Pics from today, plus some others from the airport/flight from the other day I forgot were on the phone.  Careful there's over 200 photos in the link below.

Another point to mention, while we were waiting for the passports last week, I saw a girl using a "selfie pole", its a pole that you attach your phone or camera to, it extends out and you basically point the camera back at yourself on timer to take a picture.  That's how I get a lot of the pictures with all of us in them.

Sean & Lorraine

Day 7
Day 5/6
Day 4 Photos
and videos
Day 3 Pearl Harbour + more
Day 2 Holidays
Day 1 USA

25 September 2014

Day 5/6

What a drama getting to Las Vegas.  Our Honolulu flight was delayed by over 6 hours due to maintenance issues.  Instead of arriving at 11pm, we arrived at around 7am.  As a result of our no show, the accommodating was cancelled by the hotel system.  Luckily they saw the error and then upgraded us to a luxury room.

We have the week planned, just picked up a hire car and went for a spin, what a mind snap driving on the other side of the road.  Going to the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam tomorrow.  Then Elvis wedding Thursday, then Bus tour of Vegas with a 24hr ticket.  Friday, shooting range, then pack for New York.

Today's upload of pics over the last two days.

Sean & Lorraine

Day 5/6
Day 4 Photos
and videos
Day 3 Pearl Harbour + more
Day 2 Holidays
Day 1 USA

23 September 2014

Day 4

Late sending this as it was a late night and I couldn't load all the videos up before we leave for the airport.

Last night was Chief's Luau.  It was an awesome night and worth every cent.  I highly recommend it if you are ever here.  Below are some photos, plus some initial video content of the night, more video to come later when I am able to access high speed internet in Vegas.  We're just waiting for clothes to dry in the dryer before the final pack and checkout and on the transfer to the airport.

Breakfast was at Denny's, I'll never get used to bottomless cups.  Order a hot chocolate and they just keep coming  Order a coke and they just keep coming, for the one initial cost  And the meals are hilariously big.  Just as well we're all walking a lot, we need to.  I stopped calorie counting, Day 2, just too hard to keep up.

Next stop Vegas

Sean & Lorraine

Day 4 Photos
and videos
Day 3 Pearl Harbour + more
Day 2 Holidays
Day 1 USA

22 September 2014

Day 3 Pearl Harbour + more

Today was a big day of touring, the highlight for me being visiting the building where Hawaii 5-0 HQ was.

Twas a big day and we are beat, tomorrow is a half relaxation day followed by a Luau, then its off to Vegas the following day.

I also have to say that the people of Hawaii are brilliant.  Having a disability has been almost an advantage.  At customs at Honolulu we were waved to the front of the line, in fact almost everywhere we've been, I have received preferential treatment to the point I feel almost guilty.

Sean & Lorraine

Day 3 Pearl Harbour + more
Day 2 Holidays
Day 1 USA

21 September 2014

Day 2 Holidays

Day 2 was rest, relax and do stuff.  Lorraine and Jade went to the beach for the most part of the day, Ebony and I went cycling reveling in absolute flat terrain, no helmets and extremely polite and patient drivers.  Hawaiians know their bread is buttered by tourism and bend over backwards to be nice.

Ebony and I went to what is touted as a great mall to go shopping.  We needed a WiFi router as the room has cable internet, not WiFi.  We had been stealing bandwidth from another private resident which was patchy as well as finding free WiFi hotspots to do our stuff, now we don't have to.

The Mall was about 25 years behind the times, dismal is all I can say.

The other frustrating aspect of buying things is everything is listed ex-Tax.  So a 99 cent bottle of water is actually $1.10, absolute PITA.

Otherwise we are all enjoying ourselves, but to be honest you could go to the Gold Coast and get the same experience a lot cheaper, oh and the beaches are terrible, Aussie beaches crap all over what we have seen so far.

Anyway, linky time below.

Sean & Lorraine

Day 2 Holidays
Day 1 USA

20 September 2014

Day 1 USA

Day 1 nearly over for us in the twilight zone as it is lunchtime for you guys on Friday, we went back in time to Thursday.  Its late afternoon here in Waikiki.

After 2 hours on the tarmac in Brisbane because of a suspected fuel leak which turned out to be discarded coffee by a steward we left.  Hawaii weather is just like Brisbane.

Lots of photos below and Google kindly patched together a panorama for me of the view from our balcony.

Booked our Pearl Harbour and Luau with plans to just rest and relax on the private beach in between.

Sean & Lorraine

PS TK the international markets closed down, making way for Sachs Fifth Avenue.

Day 1 USA

19 September 2014

Almost Gone - What a week its been

So we are just about to leave for the airport this arvo and what a week its been.  For those who don’t know, you apparently must have 6 months validity on your passport to travel to the USA.  That critical piece of information was buried in the fine print of the travel agent itinerary on page 30.  No one thought to bring this to our attention.  The USA visa website did not flag it and neither did the Smart Traveller website, all three of which had our passport details and travel dates as we entered them on to their respective websites.  Massive technology fail as far as we are concerned.

Why was this an issue?  Our daughters both had child passports of 5 years length, which expire within 5 months and 2 weeks of our travel date, 2 weeks short of the required 6 months.  So Saturday was a panicked phone call to the Passport office for a Tuesday morning appointment.  Saturday night is completing a whole new passport applications.  Sunday is getting the required photos.  Monday is getting the photos and documents signed by the sponsor.  Tuesday is lodging the documents which aside from one set of photos having to be redone were perfect.  Wedenesday is picking up the new passports (record time for the passport office and BIG thanks to them).  Wednesday afternoon is reapplying for new ESTA USA visas, then having heart failure as the site crashes halfway through the payment process.  Wednesday evening is checking and finding the Visas are processed.

We’re ready to go.

Sean and Lorraine